Be spring-ready with strong, hard, naturally nourished nails
2025 nail trends are already out and said to be all natural, sheer polished, shortish nail styles. If you wish to rock this look you need your nails to be even textured, and without any raised ridges or chipping. The predicted gorgeous sheer colors look absolutely divine, but can show those pesky white spots that may have been caused by vitamin deficiency we all suffer from at some point in our lives, especially coming out of winter.
If you’re like me, blessed with less than perfect nails, or even bite your nails, Duckberry Goose organic nail serum is for you. It’s packed with Evening Primrose and Sweet Almond Oil, Vitamin E and Cypriot sea salt. It strengthens and fortifies your nails, with nourishing minerals and vitamins, while softening and repairing cuticles, and over time evening out ridges on your nails. Choose between Lemon, Lavender, Rose, Chamomile, Elemi or Amara scented ones. Use for 20-30 days every day for best results, rubbing on your fingertips in gentle circular motion and then wrap your hand in a warm towel to aid absorption of key ingredients. It’s an absolute must treatment to have in between application of artificial nails or shellac.